“As the world’s last major market to still use old-fashioned swipe-and-sign magnetic strip cards, American consumers and merchants are paying a serious price…” —U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing: “Privacy in the Digital Age: Preventing Data Breaches and Combating Cybercrime” (2014)
As regulations around data and liability shift the liability of fraud onto businesses, the standard of EMV payments is not an ‘if’, but a ‘when’. Will you make the transition on your own terms, creating as much advantage as possible, or will you wait and scramble?
Our latest paper, The better side of the EMV leap: a conversation with an American restaurant executive, is all about the sensible, moderate steps forward you can make today. We reveal why now is the right time to do business better with restaurant EMV.
Learn about:
- The four steps for a smooth transition to EMV
- What to watch for: two mission-critical features for lower costs and higher security
- How to design your payment flow not just to save money, but make it
Squirrel has deployed restaurant EMV solutions in Canadian and international markets since 2010. We’ve helped guide countless organizations, big and small, through to the other side. Therefore, as the same change gains ground in the United States, we are your ideal staging partner. We know EMV capability, security, and payment flow.
With Squirrel, get it done.
Download our quick and informative paper to see how making the shift to EMV is not an either/or proposition. Additionally, hear from our customers, Copper Cellar Family of Restaurants and Togo’s Sandwiches about their transitions to EMV.